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Can we talk about consent? Let’s make sure everyone’s on the same page

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Hey there, awesome people! We need to have a serious conversation, but not to worry, it’s about something crucial that affects us all: consent.What does it really mean? How can we tell if someone is comfortable? Is it okay to assume consent based on past experiences? All these questions matter. Buckle up, because we’re about to dive into a topic that’s essential for healthy relationships and personal boundaries. So, let’s get real and make sure everyone’s on the same page!

Picture this: You’re at a party, surrounded by friends and having a great time. Suddenly, someone starts making advances towards you that you’re not comfortable with. What do you do? How do you assert your boundaries? This is where consent comes into play. Consent is all about giving and receiving respect, ensuring that everyone involved is on board and comfortable with any physical or sexual activity.

A friend of mine shared an experience that left a lasting impact on me. It ignited a fire within me, urging me to encourage others to speak up when they feel the need. That feeling that’s squeezing your mind? Don’t keep it bottled up; say it out loud and clear to the person involved. Let me tell you what happened. She attended a house party, looking cute and ready to have a great time with her friends.

At the party, she caught the attention of a guy who couldn’t seem to take his eyes off her. He flirted, giving her sidelong glances and smirks.After a while the guy approached her, he introduced himself, and my friend politely introduced herself as well. The guy continued asking her different questions to get to know her, but my friend could tell this guy was interested and trying to flirt.

In her mind, she had already considered expressing her disinterest and desire to just enjoy the party, but she kept those thoughts to herself. After a while the guy had gone upstairs, and came halfway up the stairs, asked my friend to help him carry a box in the room upstairs and take it downstairs.

My friend went upstairs, they reached the room, my friend is looking for that box to bring down, and she turns back, and the guy is trying to kiss her. He holds my friend’s waist close to him, and my friend is panicking and immediately says what the hell are you doing? The guy’s facial response was saying” You knew this was what I brought you here for right” But she did not get to know exactly why he did that as she immediately ran downstairs, picked up her bag and left the party. She told me she was traumatized and never wanted to experience such a thing in her life.

Was there a way to have prevented that incident? Maybe? If she expressed the thought she had earlier to the guy, maybe the guy wouldn’t have taken steps further even though we can’t really know what his intentions were at the end of the day.

Consent is a fundamental right, and it’s not something to be taken lightly. It’s a clear and enthusiastic “YES” from all parties involved. Without consent, any kind of physical or sexual activity is simply not okay. It doesn’t matter if you’re in a relationship, flirting, or even if you’ve engaged in similar activities before. Each interaction requires consent, every single time.

Now, you might be thinking, “But isn’t it obvious when someone doesn’t want to do something?” The truth is, it’s not always crystal clear. People express their desires and boundaries in different ways. It’s crucial to actively communicate and listen to each other. Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal cues. Look for signs of discomfort or hesitation, and always be ready to respect someone’s decision, even if it changes during the course of an interaction.


Consent is not just about saying “no” when you’re not comfortable; it’s also about freely expressing your desires and saying “yes” when you’re ready. It’s about understanding that you have the right to control your own body and that others have the same right. True consent requires mutuality and ongoing communication.

Let’s be honest, talking about consent can sometimes be uncomfortable, but that discomfort is nothing compared to the importance of protecting ourselves and those around us. Consent empowers us to create safe and healthy relationships based on trust and respect. It ensures that our voices are heard and that our boundaries are honored.

Now, dear youth, let’s empower each other and spread the word about consent. Engage in conversations with your friends, siblings, and classmates. Share the knowledge you’ve gained here. Let’s make consent a natural topic of discussion in all aspects of our lives, promoting respect and understanding. Together, we can create a culture of consent that benefits everyone.

Spread the word, respect the boundaries, and let consent be the guiding principle of our relationships. Together, we can make a change that will positively impact generations to come.

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