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Responsible Consumption and Production

variety of vegetables on display 1508666

Humanity has a tendency to consume things without regard for consequences or global fairness. And this, in turn, puts a massive set of blinkers over countries and creates some jarring contrasts.

How many times do we leave food on the plate and throw it away? How many times do we leave the lights on, leave home and maybe leave them on again when we sleep?

Showers are even a bigger issue. People will turn on the shower and start scrolling on social media with the water running. Others will open the tap as they are brushing their teeth, leaving the water running as they brush.

See all that, if it piles up, you will notice that we waste a lot of food, water and electricity. These are just a few things I have chosen to highlight but there is a lot of wasting of resources that happens on a day to day basis.

The cars we use, the machines for production, the smoking, basically the list of activities we carry as humans is taking a toll on our beloved earth. With this in mind, how do we make sure that we responsibly consume food, water, electricity or anything else?

How can we make sure that we produce food, electricity and all other things responsibly in a manner that we can sustain?

Basically, we have to turn to SDG12. This sustainable development goal was made to ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns.

What do I mean by this?

Goal 12 aims at changing the way humans, companies and societies as a whole consumes. It wants to alter both everyday behaviors and how societies are structured.

The 12th goal is to get economies to think twice about extracting natural resources so that natural ecosystems can thrive and supplement human life without limit.

Basically, Goal 12 wants to create a lot more circular behavior–economies that reuse what they consume and cut down on overall production and people that think about the consequences of their daily actions

Here are some targets of the goal:

Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products. Encourage companies, especially large and transnational companies, to adopt sustainable practices and to integrate sustainability information into their reporting cycle

By 2030, halve per capita global food waste at the retail and consumer levels and reduce food losses along production and supply chains, including post-harvest losses. By 2030, substantially reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse.

What can we do?

As usual, the first step to making more impact and to achieve sustainable development is to spread the word. Tell a friend about SDG 12 and what it entails.

Another good thing to do is to become a proactive recycler. Wherever you are, make an effort to recycle.

It is key to stick to the Rwandan clean ways. Litter and dirt should just go to the bin. Do not just scatter rubbish. Make it a habit to be responsible and keep the city clean.

Buy from companies that reuse materials in an innovative manner. An easier goal: don’t buy from companies that use styrofoam.

Beyond this, call on responsible authorities to reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Call on any investment funds you may be connected to to disinvest in carbon companies.

Basically to achieve this goal, we must all unite and join forces to make our dear earth a sustainable place.

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