Empowering Educators has forged and motivated young girls to pursue STEM fields shattering barriers and gender norms as Africa’s growth depends on investing in STEM education for its youth especially young girls as it fosters Innovation and creativity.
Despite progress being made, the number of women making up the workforce in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) is still very low. The government’s aspiration to become a knowledge-based economy requires the development of scientific and technological skills across all levels of society, with a special focus on girls.
It is with that in mind that the African Institute of Mathematical Sciences Rwanda, AIMS Rwanda, the Rwanda Basic Education Board, REB, and the Mastercard Foundation have partnered together to create the Teacher Training Program (TTP) Rwanda.
The program empowers teachers with professional development courses, high-quality classroom resources, and technology-enabled Smart Classrooms, which are designed to help them nurture young minds and enhance the learning outcomes in STEM subjects for secondary school students.
During the handover ceremony of science kits on November 28th, 2023, at Groupe Scolaire Amahoro Anglican, in Rubavu District, the AIMS Rwanda Centre President, Sam Yala, expressed how empowering educators will also empower the youth.
He said, “Our efforts will benefit those who need them the most. We understand the importance of empowering educators. Science boosted confidence, imagination, and critical thinking skills.”
He emphasized the importance of nurturing young minds saying, “We aim to nurture the minds that will shape our future. The science kits are not just tools, they are the instruments to improve students’ accessibility to practical activities and hence improve their performance and engagement in science subjects.”
STEM should not only be a chalkboard practice, it should also be real-world applicable. Students At G.S Anglican Amahoro gained much more knowledge of Chemistry, Physics, and Biology through practicing and experimenting with diverse equipment.
Director General of the Rwanda Basic Education Board, Dr Nelson Mbarushimana, emphasized the kits will not only help in providing quality education but that it will also equip future teachers with practical knowledge.
He said, “I have seen in the students good teachers already. We anticipate that these kits will inspire our teachers and students to bring science alive in the classroom.”
More students especially young girls are encouraged to pursue STEM subjects shattering barriers and stereotypes in society. One of the Students, Emelyne Uwamahoro, expressed how seeing their empowered teachers has inspired them to pursue STEM fields.
She said, “Seeing our teachers especially female teachers is inspiring. The impact was transformative in us fueling aspirations to pursue STEM subject in A Level.”
David Rugangirwa, The Country Director of the Mastercard Foundation stated that this initiative is not just about making science learning and teaching more practical, it is also about long-lasting impact.
He said, “Our strategy is all about the youth. Science is a pillar of innovation to take us to a transformed economy.”