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According to a mental health practitioner, this is what you should do when you’re going crazy

It happens to feel drained by life and sometimes your mind can definetly go crazy. However, it is important to make sure that your mental health is a priority.

During this time mental health is being advocated for more than ever before, from the influencers you are always watching on Instagram and TikTok to articles you read in the media to videos on youtube and even in the movies we see.

Mental health has now more than ever before had awareness around it than in previous generations before, maybe because this generation is different in its own way or maybe because this generation shows how much of a need there is for mental health.

We have talked with a mental health practitioner and advocate, Joseph Kalisa who elaborated on different things you can do to improve your mental health.

Do things that relax you

Relaxing is not only good for the body but it is also good for the brain, Joseph Kalisa says he recommends many of his patients to pursue some of the hobbies that they enjoy.

“Some like to listen to music or watch movies, it is good to actually do things that relax you every day, things that will help your mind relax and be stress free.”

According to different experts, music or rhythm helps the body or the brain in developing a hormone called dopamine, this dopamine helps in relieving feelings of anxiety and depression.

Some medical opinions state that music can help the heart, elevate the mood, reduce stress, relieve symptoms of depression, it can relieve pain and many other benefits.

It is not just music but any kind of hobby according to Kalisa. “Hobbies like that can help your mind settle down and cool down, it helps you relax from time to time.”

“I tell alot of people that come to me with mental health difficulties to try and use their hobbies as relief methods and I have had some positive feedback.” he said

For those who like music, it can be helpful to take time and relax and listen to your favorite songs

Doing physical activity

Doing physical activity is also good for your body and brain, physical activity ranges from hardcore sport to simple walks in the evenening or whatever the time of your choice.

“Going on simple walks can help you clear your mind, you can even do some other physical activities of your choice, it will help your mind and also your body.”

Like the famous proverb says “Esprit saint dans un corps saint” which roughly translated means “a healthy mind in a healthy body”.

An active lifestyle doesn’t have to feel like work—it can be an easy way to feel better and get some extra exercise in.

Different experts say that physical healthiness directly affects mental healthiness, a study indicated that moderate exercise is not just good for your body but improves mental health as well.

The study suggested that physical activity whether it be moderate or high can impact stress levels, depression and also emotional concerns.

Physical activity releases different hormones in the body that can help one relax

Think about yourself

Joseph Kalisa said that he encourages many people to take time and think about themselves. This is to create awareness of what they are going through and how they can handle it better.

“I think it is important to take time to think about yourself, what is going on and how you are feeling, it is better to sit down and think about it, think about yourself and about what would make you feel better.” he said

You have to take the time to be alone and think about yourself and what you need

Do entertaining activities

Doing entertaining activities can also be good for your mental health, entertainment aims at stimulating the mind.

“Being with people you love and care about can also be good for you” Joseph Kalisa said “being surrounded with people and enjoying your time is really beneficial.”

You can do various activities when you are with other people, that can stimulate your mind and help you maintain a good mood.

Being with the people that make you feel the most joyfull can help stimulate your mind and mantain a good mood

One Response

  1. those are good advices and am with mr kalisa.
    last week, i was fullof stress and i suffered from back bone and headache. i took 30 minutes for physical exercises and i took a bath with cold water. that was incredible because i thought that i won’t being fresh in my mind but later was being ok.

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