One of the issues that persists in Rwanda today is inclusivity for people with various types of disabilities. It is a problem, but it is past time for it to change.
Employers must believe that people with disabilities can work and adapt easily. It is past time for employers and the general public to recognize that having a disability is not an impediment to their development and well-being.
Disabled people face a lot of prejudice when looking for jobs due to stigma and stereotypes, despite the various skills that they can offer. This frequently leads to deplorable living conditions.
There are more than 32,000 people with disabilities in Kigali alone. Around 300 of them rely on begging, while others live in deplorable conditions.
Despite facing numerous challenges, some have managed to break free from the status quo and secure jobs and gigs. Irambona Dadid is one of them.
Irambona is currently residing in Ninzi, a cell in Kagano Sector, Nyamasheke District. He was born blind, but he now works and lives in Ninzi, Kagano Sector, Nyamasheke District, as an MTN-Rwanda agent.
In a conversation with this young man, Irambona stated that he began his job in 2017 and is proud to be one of the MTN-agents. Rwanda’s
It may be difficult to comprehend how a blind person can be tasked with handling financial transactions, but you better believe it. Irambona accomplishes this without the use of visually impaired-friendly devices.
His trick is also quite amazing; he uses his hands to feel the weight of the cash and determine how much it is. He takes pride in the fact that none of his clients have ever complained about his services.
“One becomes accustomed to cash through its weight and size,” he explained. It necessitates the use of cognitive memory. Many people come to me for help, and they are always satisfied.”
“Many people are curious about how I work, and they just come here to see what I am capable of doing as a disabled person, and they are surprised,” he added.
He supports himself through his daily life, despite not earning much money. He earns enough money to not only pay for his treatment but also his school fees.
“There are times when I don’t earn much, but even Frw 1000 is useful,” he explained. Sometimes you make a lot of money, sometimes you don’t, but this has helped me pay my hospital bill, which was more than Frw 1 million, and I’m not a beggar like some disabled people. I can also rent a plot of land and cultivate it while earning money. I have to get married, You know!”
Even though he is doing his best, he would like to see disabled people given assistance in their various fields of work. He believes that a special phone tailored to his disability would increase his productivity at work.
Irabomba stated that if he obtains these specialized tools, he will expand the services he offers, such as providing Gateway services to work with banks.
This demonstrates that it will take a collaborative effort from all sectors and disabled people to change the status quo and thus change their lives.
Disabled people are capable, and it is past time to ensure their inclusion in various sectors.