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Dear Santa: This year I want a job and courage

black and white gift box

Growing up, I used to perform so well in the last term at school as my results would influence what I get for Christmas.

I would be a focused child! I remember once I got a PlayStation as I had aced all the subjects. I was so proud of myself. Basically, this works hard and getting something out of it was a good way for me to get ‘responsible’.

Reflecting now, I actually enjoyed being a child because, as a young man who works, I now have to contribute financially or else I have to carry chairs, put order, and do a variety of other tasks. Don’t even get me started on the Christmas season; my swag would be taken care of for the next few months. That feeling of getting new clothes was out of this world.

So what kind of Christmas do I like as a young man? Well for starters, I want to celebrate Christmas with a wallet or bank account that is healthy.

This primarily refers to employment. So the first item on my wishlist is a job! Second, because we are young, we are not guaranteed safety as we enjoy and chop life. What if I trip and fall while performing one of my dance moves at the family gathering?

Do I have medical insurance? Gone are the days when I craved new clothes and trinkets. I now understand that the holiday season is only a passing through, so I want items that I can take with me into the new year and keep.

May the aunts stop putting pressure on me to marry as we gather and catch up with distant cousins and aunties. I mean, I’m having trouble taking care of myself. Isn’t it a recipe for disaster if I throw someone else’s daughter into the mix?

Of course, once I’m married, I’ll be pressured to have a baby, Santa, and I don’t want to add to the confusion on the planet. All of this will fall into place once I sign my nice contract or my girlfriend’s business starts to flow.

Side note, Santa, my future wife is hardworking because her leaning on me to provide is no longer a 21st century model that works!

Dear Santa,

I don’t want to bore you with my ranting, but all I used to ask you for were toys and shoes, but now if you could show me the future, I’d be a happy child.

When I think about the future, I wonder who I will be and what I will do. Will I be satisfied with my newfound career? Will I have achieved all of my long-term objectives, or will I be constantly worried?

Worried that all of my friends will have fulfilling lives that they will not fail to show me on social media while I am stuck in mine. Will I be able to resist the peer pressure to display a virtual life that is not truly mine? I hope so.

What about my career, how can I adapt in this fast changing world? Is there a well of creativity and innovation? I really need some. In my industry how am I able to be ten steps ahead?

When I think about the future, I wonder if I will be able to maintain my feminist stance when confronted with the various realities and expectations that society has to offer.

Will I be able to stick to my decisions despite the fact that everyone thinks they are unwomanly? How will I tell my parents that I don’t want to be a housewife or have grandchildren right now?

Will I have a supportive husband even if I marry? Will he treat me differently or in the same way? I see all these men out here, Santa, you have no idea how dangerous these streets are!

Also, will I be bringing anything to the table? I no longer have an excuse not to bring something to the table.

Santa, just tell me if I’ll be able to resist the pressure or if I’ll just give in? When I think about the future, I wonder if I will be able to fulfill all of my ambitions. My mind is constantly telling me that I must defy the norm.

My mind is telling me that I must fulfill my greater purpose, that I must have an impact on the world, that I must leave a mark on my society. But I’m wondering if I’ll be able to handle it all. The pressure, the expectations, the hopes, the ambition, and the objectives.

But I have no choice; there is no other way. Santa, please just let me glimpse into the future.

This letter was written by two Rwandan youth in an attempt to highlight the needs and desires of Rwandan youth.

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