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I tried the 75 hard challenge and here’s how it went

Embarking on the 75 Hard Challenge was like stepping into a new realm of self-discovery. This rigorous program isn’t just a fitness challenge; it’s a transformative mental and physical journey that promises to reshape your life in 75 days.

Created by entrepreneur Andy Frisella, the challenge is designed to build mental toughness through a set of strict rules that must be followed daily. Here’s a candid look into my journey, the ups and downs, the insights gained, and whether it’s truly worth the hype.

The rules

The 75 Hard Challenge rules are straightforward but far from simple: Follow a diet – No cheat meals, and no alcohol. Workout twice a day for at least 45 minutes – One of these workouts must be outdoors. Drink like 3 liters of water daily. Read 10 pages of a non-fiction or self-help book. Take a progress photo every day. No cheat meals, and absolutely no alcohol.

Sounds doable, right? Well, let’s dive into how it actually panned out.

The beginning

The first few days were a reality check. Adjusting to two workouts a day was challenging, and drinking a gallon of water felt like a hard task. However, the hardest part was the dietary restrictions.

Have you ever gone out with friends to just order a salad? Well, that’s what would happen to me. I could not eat some delicious fried chicken and a big platter of fries. It was very challenging.

I felt like I could not do it. Some days I just skipped the workouts or the healthy meals. It was difficult. But I watched this video on Instagram about how discipline is the greatest form of self love and I knew I needed some in my own life.

I have always given up when it came to anything that I found hard to do and let’s just say that my mental health during that period was not all good, so I decided to do this for myself and not give up.

The middle

By the third week, I started to find my rhythm. The workouts became a part of my routine, and I was reading more consistently than I had in years. This phase taught me the importance of consistency and resilience.

The physical changes were not so much noticeable, but the mental transformation was profound. I was more focused, disciplined, and surprisingly, more creative. The challenge was reshaping my habits, and in turn, reshaping me.

The thing that helped me though was having people who would not let me quit. My sisters made sure I ate the meals I planned and my friends made sure I would not order the fried chicken I craved. This doesn’t mean that I did not cheat. I did sometimes when nobody was looking but you know consistency was the key, I had to stay strong.

The end

The final stretch was both the most challenging and rewarding. Fatigue set in, and the monotony of the routine became a mental battle. However, the finish line was in sight, and the progress made, both mentally and physically, was undeniable.

Completing the challenge felt like a monumental achievement. I had not only transformed my body but also fortified my mental toughness. The discipline, consistency, and resilience honed over those 75 days had seeped into every aspect of my life, leading to improvements in my work, relationships, and self-esteem.

Is It Worth It?

The 75 Hard Challenge is not for the faint of heart. It requires a level of commitment and discipline that many may find daunting. However, the rewards are immense. This challenge is a masterclass in self-discipline and mental toughness.

The challenge is much more than a fitness program. It’s not about the weight lost or the books read; it’s about proving to yourself that you can commit to something challenging and come out stronger on the other side.

Would I recommend it? Absolutely—but with the warning that you need to be ready to commit fully. The journey is tough, but the rewards, both seen and unseen, are truly worth the effort.

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